
Archive for April, 2012

let your Passion lead you to your Potential!

Are you living your dream?

Is your life fulfilling and the fully creative and daring expression of the true You?

Do you have permission to be wonderfully You?

Don’t worry if that isn’t the case, this can be remedied.


Your life is your life. Simple, right? Not quite.

A lot of our choices about ourselves, how we choose to live our lives, are in fact down to agreements with those around us, the people in our lives.

Many of those agreements are supportive and allow you to be unconditionally You, while many are also unsupportive. So it’s a good idea to take a look at that.

Our lives can be quite enmeshed with those around us (and not just those who live nearby or those currently in a body): agreements, cords, tasks, promises, expectations and a whole load of other ‘stuff’ may be keeping you tied down in some way.

Also the Havingness level of your partner, boss, friends, family can determine what you allow yourself to have and to be. Do they give themselves generously? Do they live their lives like a daring adventure always looking to grow in more joyous ways?

Many cannot answer ‘yes’ to this.

We can’t really distance ourselves from some people in our lives, but we can distance ourselves from their ways of being, self-limiting beliefs and low Havingness.

We can say no to invalidators by instead validating ourselves. We can give ourselves permission to be wonderful. This is going to ruffle some feathers, but that is not YOUR problem. Those who can’t handle you in your true glory can either get with the program or hit the road!

You don’t need anyone’s permission to be ALL that you can be, which is more than you may dare to imagine even in your wildest dreams. You only need your own permission. Some people or groups would like you to believe otherwise, but it is simply not so. Anything you can dream up — you can be.

~ philosophy at EssenceJoy Clairvoyance



Find some quiet time to turn within. Remove distractions, turn off TV / radio, lock doors, etc. Whatever you need to do to make sure you won’t be disturbed.

Get comfortable in a chair. Feet flat on the floor, hands on thighs palms facing upward, breathe gently and close your eyes. Focus your attention in the middle of your head. Continue breathing gently and deeply into your belly.

Create a clairvoyant screen in front of you. You can make it look like a cinema screen or whatever you like. I like to also give it a golden edge. Keep it about two arms lengths away from you to give you and your images some distance. Ground it: draw gold lines of energy from each four corners to the center of the screen and then a grounding cord from the center of the screen into the center of the planet. Explode a gold sun on the screen for cleansing.

Now visually look at yourself on the screen. See your body, your chakras and your aura. If you can’t see it, then just imagine that you can. Ground yourself: send a grounding cord from your first chakra into the center of the planet and allow it to ground out anything that isn’t yours and what you were ready to let go of.

Then ask for any agreements to show up between you and others that are in some way non-permissive of you being in your full power: you being wonderfully and truly you. Notice cords of energy between you and some individuals whose faces have showed up.

Forgive them, they also bought into self-limiting pictures. You are in the most powerful position now: the position of awareness from where you are able to let go of those pictures and create new ones for yourself.

Go ahead and destroy those agreements. You can visualize cutting those cords or instead see yourself breaking tree branches (this symbolizes breaking agreements). Create a neutral gold rose and throw those cords or broken branches into that rose. Then send this rose out into space and explode it. NB! You aren’t destroying your relationships with these people, but are simply disengaging from their beliefs / pictures / etc, thus freeing yourself up from them.

Also destroy images of those individuals that lit up for you.

Now create a rose and ask it to show you a color for any non-permissive / invalidating energy in your space that is blocking you from being wonderfully and truly You. Ask this color to also light up on / in your body and aura. Then just command this color to drain down your grounding cord and see it going down.

Meanwhile destroy roses for any pictures that allowed this non-permissive energy into your space in the first place! Just see roses exploding for those pictures. No need to go into great detail as to what those pictures were.

Now it’s time to find a color for your Truth.

Create a rose and ask it to show you a color for you being Wonderfully You, your true self, Glorious and All That You Can Be.

Don’t be surprised if this color gives you goosebumps and makes you happier than you have been for a while. Getting in touch with this energy is very powerful indeed.

Now send this color in from your Crown chakra and see it filling up your whole body. Also see it radiating out into all the layers of your aura all around.

To conclude fill up with your Gold Sun’s energy. See a golden, bright, radiant and joyful sun above your Crown and let it send a beam of its energy in from your crown and fill you up. Filling up your head, neck, torso . . . into shoulders and down the arms, into hands and fingers . . . filling up stomach, belly, hips, bum, genitals . . . down the legs into thighs, needs calves, feet and toes . . . then send the Gold Sun down the grounding cord.

And now come right out of that trance! Have a Stretch, give yourself a big pat on the back and laugh uncontrollably — life is a party!

©Janno Õnneleid 2012 All Rights Reserved

photo: google

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a great way to ground — spend time in nature

Grounding is a psychic’s best friend.

It’s one’s own personal connection with the Earth and application of one’s energy.

To ground is to make real, to manifest.

Being grounded is a feeling of being neutral, at ease, real, present; it is accompanied by a strong sense of security.

Now, there are lots of energies / people / beings out there that aren’t grounded themselves or who don’t benefit from you being grounded, so those are what can occasionally make you lose your grounding.

You may walk past a person in the street and suddenly feel the ground get shaky under your feet. You are likely experiencing the other person’s lack of grounding. This is where it’s important to recognize that, to have awareness of what is happening and not allow someone else’s energy to have this effect on you. It’s important to regain your Seniority.

How to ground? By visualization.

See a grounding cord of texture and width of your own choosing going from your first chakra (located at the base of the spine for men and in the female space for women) down to the center of the planet. You can visualize anything that feels good: a treetrunk, waterfall, lazer beam, rope, chain, monkey tail, candyfloss or a string of pink elephants! It’s great to play around with this, so have fun!

Just drop your cord down towards the center of the planet and allow mother Earth’s love to gravitate anything out of your space that is not yours. She will gladly recycle any stuff that you were ready to let go of!

©Janno Õnneleid 2012

photo: google

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Personal truth.

Simply put: that which is true for you.

But hold on a minute before you cast this off as no more than “just your opinion”.

It is much more than that!

Your personal truth is in fact powered by your unique Essence energy,

your Truth.


It may be challenging to consider that as anything worthwhile with the energies / thoughts / feelings of so many others occupying your space. We are programmed since childhood to give away our Seniority to others: to parents, school, teachers, books, God, religion, Bible / etc.

But this need not be the case.

In fact, your OWN personal truth or your unique energy is the best fit for you: your body, mind and emotions. Someone else’s truth may or may not be a good fit, it depends on so many factors.

In any case it is safer to run on your own energy.

The questions that may be asked: What is true for me? Where is MY truth in this?

How much of You you allow to occupy your space shows your affinity towards yourself.

(In this post I talk about Affinity: your ability to LOVE yourself and others. Also: how much of YOU do you allow to occupy your body, mind and emotions — there is a Havingness Gauge that shows your Havingness for your own energy or your Affinity towards You.)

How much of You occupies your space is Your Seniority. In other words: how do you feel about being the boss in your own body, mind and emotions?

This means definining your day according to your own needs and desires and not allowing others to set the tone for you. The Bible isn’t your boss nor is Jesus. The media isn’t your boss, your best friend isn’t it either. You are the boss, you set the tone, you decide how to live your life.

It is also worthwhile here checking where in your body have you given away your Seniority? To whom? Why? Whose truth are you running on?

Furthermore, below this are hidden the pictures you were programmed with in childhood. Blowing those pictures you will gain back more of your space. More space means more freedom to create what you want.

©Janno Õnneleid 2012

photo: www.facebook.com (Page: Flower Story, Album: Macro story)

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I would like to share my personal experience with clairvoyance and energywork.

For me, every time I sit down, close my eyes and look, I feel I enter a wonderland of play, amusement and fun.

Getting in the center of my head is always done in an attitude of ease and joy.

It feels like a holiday, a break from all the usual stresses of the world.

Sometimes heavier stuff comes up of course, but I view it with neutrality and use energywork to lighten it up. If I feel tension, stress, resistance, I just get a color for it and then playfully observe it drain down my grounding cord. If it doesn’t, I will start playing around with my visualization tools and check what it is that is keeping it stuck, then blow the pictures around that and vacuum out foreign energy . . . and if there still seems to be resistance there is nothing like a playful visualization.

For example, if something isn’t grounding out of my body and aura, I just attach a gauge (like a spedometer) to my grounding cord and a gas pedal to the gauge. I intend the gauge to represent grounding, then I just press the gas pedal, watch the spedometer go to 100% and enjoy releasing stubborn energies. Or just enjoy revvin’ it — I always wanted to feel what it’s like to floor it.

There is so much fun to be had every time I enter my clairvoyance and look at my energy!

It is certainly not difficult. Many belief systems hold it that opening one’s third eye is something extraordinary and requires a high level of advancement. Whatever “advanced” is anyways — it’s just a bunch of old beliefs and striving towards the elusive state of enlightenment. Enlightenment is a myth. It isn’t a constant state, but rather something that can be experienced occasionally. In fact, even this one word has as many meanings as there are individual perspectives.

To me enlightenment means simply to lighten up or to let go of any heaviness in my energy field.

Vital ingredients of which are amusement and various energywork techniques, which involve gaining back my Seniority, deprogramming and blowing pictures.

It is not just my belief that clairvoyance is easy and natural, but also my first-hand experience. To be clairvoyant means to see images, visions and pictures. Anyone can do that! We all dream and we all visualize, it is a natural part of being human. It is true that in some of us this may be more developed as it is with any skill, but even an absolute beginner can start from wherever they are at and begin to see clear images, visions and pictures within weeks, if not days! When one first starts out, it isn’t so much about actually seeing anything, as we all “see” anyways, it is about clearing out those old beliefs, programming, resistance and non-permissive energies of others that may have come to occupy the center of one’s head or the Pineal gland.

Ultimately, as it is with anything, becoming clairvoyant is really about developing one’s own personal relationship with seeing images that are obtained via extra-sensory means. It’s coming to a place of okay-ness about that and accepting that indeed it is possible.

It is about developing that trust in oneself and most importantly: validating one’s own perceptions ! !

This is crucial, because if you continue to invalidate your perceptions, how will you EVER gain your Seniority back from those that claim you can not see clairvoyant images. How will you ever gain your Seniority back from those that prefer you to stay in the dark and don’t want you to see clearly for yourself? (And I’m not only talking about those currently in a body!) Afterall, being seen can be pretty uncomfortable for those who’d rather keep half of their activites a secret. Being clairvoyant means being a detective, a seeker of truth. It is like being the star of your very own James Bond movie!

©Janno Õnneleid 2012

photo: www.facebook.com (Page: Flower Story, Album: Roses)

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